
Nice low-tech calender

Today, I got a very nice calender. I love this because its a Lufthansa and it employs a nice low-tech that enables the day-indicator to be moved by hand. Cool! More than 7 months have passed since I lastly visited Munich. I already miss Mu…

Wonderful nightfall

One day, I was just being packed in my office and worked. At the fall of night I noticed that the outside was brightly red. I ran to the outside with a digital camera before I knew it. What a wonderful nightfall. Click for the larger image.

Wonderful autumn moon

One day, when I was going home, I saw a wonderful moon upon the sky. I had no other choice but taking pictures. This is the best picture taken by my Exilm (EX-FC100) without a specific platform but with its night-mode exploiting its contin…

